Welcome to A Photography Endeavor... one of my APE blogs. This is a place to share my photos and things I'm learning about photography. Appreciate your comments!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Taking a course!

Today, I took my kids to a local sunflower field for some photos.  I got so many great ones with my fancy camera!  

Then I got home and went through my pics and sadly my kids aren't as crisp as the leaves closer to the camera.  I know that's a depth of field issue but have no idea how to fix it.  I still don't know how to use my "new" DSLR camera.

Later, I went on a blog I follow called Money Saving Mom and she had a post about Shultz Photo School.  I already subscribed to their emails ages ago and enjoy their tips so I thought... That's it.  I've had enough of using my awesome camera in auto.  Time to learn!  I just signed up for their course "21 Day Photo Fix" after watching the video on this page HERE.  He describes me to a T!  So wish me luck as I learn more about photography!!!

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